public art

Mosaics made for the public domain, works commissioned by public art bodies, feature in this category. Some are situated outside, like the Mosaic Rill in Sheffield, or the History Pavement in Gosport’s TImespace Area. Others are made for an interior context, like Wharf Walk pavements in Jubilee Place, Canary Wharf, or the Sartor Resartus murals. More.



There is something particularly appealing about making work for someone’s home. While it reflects the sensibility of the artist, it must also respond to the taste of the client, and the challenge can lead to real discoveries, and even to new friendships. There are works shown here, for clients in a number of countries, with a variety of uses, which show the diversity of the art of mosaic. More.



These projects were made for commercial enterprises — clubs and restaurants for example. Mosaic can be a wonderful and long lasting decorative floor or wall surface, bringing colour and pattern to an environment. The mosaics recently made for Kettner’s Restaurant in London, or the Kuda Hura Hotel in the Maldives, featured in this section, demonstrate some of these qualities. More.